Saturday, July 22, 2006
Quote For A Hot Summer Day
"There is a school of painting called abstractionist or non objective which is derived largely from the work of Paul Cezanne, that attempts to create 'pure painting' that is, an art which will use form, color, and design for their own sakes, and independent of man's experience of life and his association with nature. I do not believe such an aim can be achieved by a human being. Whether we wish it or not we are all bound to the earth with our experience of life and the reactions of the mind, heart, and eye, and our sensations, by no means, consist entirely of form, color and design. We would be leaving out a great deal that I consider worth while expressing in painting, and it can not be expressed in literature."
Edward Hopper, letter to Mrs. Frank B. Davidson, Jan. 22, 1947
Courtsey of Terry Teachout.
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Edward Hopper, letter to Mrs. Frank B. Davidson, Jan. 22, 1947
Courtsey of Terry Teachout.