Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Met Increases Admission Fee To $20
About a week ago the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City increased its recommended admission fee to $20 for adults. I believe it used to be $15. It really never mattered to our family what they charged because we always have paid what we want since this institution has always said its fee was suggested.
Well this change has really bothered the New York Times, which has written 4 stories on the subject, including 1 in which a reporter was sent with 50 cents to see if he could get in (he did). Tyler Green and Virginia Postrel have some views on the coverage.
PermaLink | 6:33 AM |
Well this change has really bothered the New York Times, which has written 4 stories on the subject, including 1 in which a reporter was sent with 50 cents to see if he could get in (he did). Tyler Green and Virginia Postrel have some views on the coverage.