Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Lots Of Local School Choice News
So how did the DC Public Charter School Board get around the money problem of approving seven new charter school that were catholic schools? By only giving the green light to one other application. This is truly unfortunate in that three of the other nine involved charter schools for learning disabled students. Politics was the winner here.
And it just keeps on flowing. Eleanor Holmes Norton (Aka Marc Fisher) writes a dishonest editorial in the Washington Post about how she is really really not trying to kill D.C.'s voucher program. But in this pack of lies that is painful to read she drops a bombshell: She not only want to take scholarships away from poor kids but she is also out to dismantle the charter school movement by introducing a bill to turn authority over the DCPCSB from Congress to the D.C. Council. We have already seen the Council forcing its way into the charter school world with some very harmful legislation.
In order to combat all this the editors of the Washington Post take the unprecedented step of writing their second pro-voucher piece in as many weeks. All they actually had to write was "it looks like D.C.'s leaders don't care about the city's students."
PermaLink | 6:29 AM |
And it just keeps on flowing. Eleanor Holmes Norton (Aka Marc Fisher) writes a dishonest editorial in the Washington Post about how she is really really not trying to kill D.C.'s voucher program. But in this pack of lies that is painful to read she drops a bombshell: She not only want to take scholarships away from poor kids but she is also out to dismantle the charter school movement by introducing a bill to turn authority over the DCPCSB from Congress to the D.C. Council. We have already seen the Council forcing its way into the charter school world with some very harmful legislation.
In order to combat all this the editors of the Washington Post take the unprecedented step of writing their second pro-voucher piece in as many weeks. All they actually had to write was "it looks like D.C.'s leaders don't care about the city's students."