Monday, June 02, 2008
Is There Money For The Catholic Schools To Covert?
Mike DeBonis of the City Paper picks up the complaint by D.C. Councilmember Tommy Wells that there is no money in the budget for the seven catholic schools to convert to charters this year. The cost is $14 million.
The Loose Lips column provides quite an inside into the operations of the D.C. Public Charter Board including the fact that a couple of its members do not live in the District. There is also more word that Councilman Gray would like to have some control over D.C.'s charter school movement. Not a good idea.
PermaLink | 6:15 AM |
The Loose Lips column provides quite an inside into the operations of the D.C. Public Charter Board including the fact that a couple of its members do not live in the District. There is also more word that Councilman Gray would like to have some control over D.C.'s charter school movement. Not a good idea.