Monday, March 14, 2005
Exciting School Choice News Out of Arizona
PHOENIX - The Alliance for School Choice, the Phoenix-based organization
that leads the national effort to support school choice programs to
expand opportunities for economically disadvantaged children, applauds
the 16-12 vote by the Arizona Senate today, passing the Parental
Educational Choice Grant Program.
Senate Bill 1506 allows any child in the state to use public funds to
transfer from public to private school or to start kindergarten in a
private school. It would give parents a yearly grant for private school
tuition -- up to $3,500 for kindergarten through eighth grade and up to
$4,500 for high school. Students already attending private schools are
exempt from the program.
"Arizona is already a leader in school reform and is now poised to enact
the nation's first universal scholarship program," said Clint Bolick,
president and general counsel of the Alliance for School Choice. "This
is a victory for Arizona school children and I applaud the Senate for
taking this step forward for educational opportunities."
PermaLink | 6:09 PM |
that leads the national effort to support school choice programs to
expand opportunities for economically disadvantaged children, applauds
the 16-12 vote by the Arizona Senate today, passing the Parental
Educational Choice Grant Program.
Senate Bill 1506 allows any child in the state to use public funds to
transfer from public to private school or to start kindergarten in a
private school. It would give parents a yearly grant for private school
tuition -- up to $3,500 for kindergarten through eighth grade and up to
$4,500 for high school. Students already attending private schools are
exempt from the program.
"Arizona is already a leader in school reform and is now poised to enact
the nation's first universal scholarship program," said Clint Bolick,
president and general counsel of the Alliance for School Choice. "This
is a victory for Arizona school children and I applaud the Senate for
taking this step forward for educational opportunities."