Sunday, September 05, 2004

Additional Heros 

Sowell Chan finally accurately captured the educational environment surrounding school vouchers in Washington D.C. in his Washington Post article today co-authored with Valerie Strauss. Their pieces paints the picture of a marketplace of options available to parents of all income levels who make rational choices as to where to send their kids to school based upon the best fit for the needs of their children. Now we need to expand the program so that true competition for students can take place.

What got me excited was the wide variety of schools that have decided to accept vouchers. It would be extremely interesting to read why brave institutions such as Sidwell Friends (tuition $22,490/year) and the Rock Creek Elementary School (tuition $17,995) decided to participate at a rate of $7,500 per voucher. When I reached this issue in graduate school I found that some private schools in Milwaukee with high tuitions accepted voucher students in order to augment their fundraising needs.

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