Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Its Getting Lonely
Dena Levitz of the Washington Examiner says that only 49,000 children registered to attend District of Columbia Public Schools as of yesterday. So the new figures, if the missing 6,000 kids transfered to charters, are DCPS 64%, charters 32%, which means that charters now educate 1/3 of all public school students in the nation's capital.
If I were Michelle Rhee I might stop fixing all these buildings, buying books, and sorting papers, and start selling facilities. There are still many charters desperate for space. With the William E. Doar, Jr. Public Charter School for the Performing Arts growing like it is (over 440 students) we are going to need a second campus soon.
PermaLink | 6:38 AM |
If I were Michelle Rhee I might stop fixing all these buildings, buying books, and sorting papers, and start selling facilities. There are still many charters desperate for space. With the William E. Doar, Jr. Public Charter School for the Performing Arts growing like it is (over 440 students) we are going to need a second campus soon.