Thursday, December 07, 2006
Bored Supreme Court Justices
Fascinating article today by New York Times reporter Linda Greenhouse reflecting on the fact that the Supreme Court has accepted 40% less cases for review so far compared to last year. And the number the court accepted in its previous term, 69, was the lowest number since 1953 and less then half the number it was hearing as recently as the 1980's. Chief Justice Roberts said during his confirmation hearing that he thought the justices could take on more work but this has not matched reality. Why the decrease? No one really knows.
Perhaps, however, things will pick up soon since the incoming Democrats have decided that the government has not done enough messing with our lives. How exciting that our representatives plan to go from a 3 day to 5 day work week.
PermaLink | 6:30 AM |
Perhaps, however, things will pick up soon since the incoming Democrats have decided that the government has not done enough messing with our lives. How exciting that our representatives plan to go from a 3 day to 5 day work week.