Wednesday, January 25, 2006
The Public Hearing
Last Monday evening the D.C. Public Charter School Board held a public hearing to consider a amendment submitted by the William E. Doar Jr. Public Charter School for the Performing Arts to open a high school beginning in the Fall. WEDJ was granted a charter for 1,200 students in grades pre-k through 12 but we were not expecting to begin the 9th grade for 4 more years.
At the meeting the board asked a few questions of the schools founders, Mary Robbins, Julie Doar-Sinkfield, and Nadia Casseus. Then it was time for public comments. 7 of our board members showed up for the meeting and 6 of us spoke. By the time the last person finished her remarks the Chairman of the Charter Board observed that "obviously the Doar school has a good support by their board" and asked if there was anyone here other than a board member who wanted to comment. A young woman raised her hand. It turns out that she is the daughter of Barbara Tucker, who had already taken a turn, and when she identified herself the crowded audience laughed because it was as if another board member had managed to find a way to address the hearing.
She did a great job. It was obvious to everyone there that our charter amendment will be approved. Now we just have to wait for a decision.
PermaLink | 5:33 AM |
At the meeting the board asked a few questions of the schools founders, Mary Robbins, Julie Doar-Sinkfield, and Nadia Casseus. Then it was time for public comments. 7 of our board members showed up for the meeting and 6 of us spoke. By the time the last person finished her remarks the Chairman of the Charter Board observed that "obviously the Doar school has a good support by their board" and asked if there was anyone here other than a board member who wanted to comment. A young woman raised her hand. It turns out that she is the daughter of Barbara Tucker, who had already taken a turn, and when she identified herself the crowded audience laughed because it was as if another board member had managed to find a way to address the hearing.
She did a great job. It was obvious to everyone there that our charter amendment will be approved. Now we just have to wait for a decision.