Thursday, September 16, 2004

Dan Rather Has Been Wrong Before 

My prediction is that Dan Rather does not make it through the controversy over the presumably false documents he showcased on his newscast and 60 minutes.

Unfortunately, he let his political bias shape his view of reality. Its not the first time.

Years ago I was invited to hear him speak to the American Hospital Association national convention. It was right in the middle of the Clinton's attempt to nationalize medicine. Of course I was concerned because I worked in the field. But I was more worried because of what the plan would mean to freedom in this country.

The main topic of his talk, of course, was the crises in access to medical care. As democrats love to do, he described his first hand accounts of the problems Americans are having just seeing a physician. He asserted with confidence that he did not know what specific modifications the government would make to our healthcare system but he let the audience know that they should not worry; change was on the way. I could hardly stay seated. I got up to ask a question at the end of the lecture but I think he could see from by body language that my comments were not going to be to his liking, so he said he had run out of time right before it was my turn in front of the microphone. Of course, after I and many other invested considerable resources, the Clinton plan was defeated.

George Will has another example of ideology overshadowing truth when it comes to this man:

"On the second night of the Republican convention, Rather, perhaps determined to use some canned ad libs no matter how inapposite reality made them, declared that Arnold Schwarzenegger's speech had "slapped [Bush's] opponent, Senator John Kerry, around like a hockey puck." The number of times Schwarzenegger mentioned Kerry: zero."

But there is always hope. In case you are wondering, the picture is of the Objectivist Theater site in New York City.

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