Saturday, July 10, 2004
Today's Highlights
I'd like to direct your attention to a strong commentary in support of the recent "War on Terror" Supreme Court decision by Chrisun Lee of the Village Voice. The article diminishes my view of my hero Clarence Thomas.
I learned last week that Ted Olson is stepping down as Solicitor General. He, of course, argued Bush v. Gore for the President before the Supreme Court and lost his wife, Barbara Olson, in the attack on the Pentagon on 9/11/01. He opposes the rulings.
Finally, Fred Barnes of the Weekly Standard shares my point of view on the selection of John Edwards to be John Kerry's running mate. I like when smart people agree with me.
PermaLink | 10:22 AM |
I learned last week that Ted Olson is stepping down as Solicitor General. He, of course, argued Bush v. Gore for the President before the Supreme Court and lost his wife, Barbara Olson, in the attack on the Pentagon on 9/11/01. He opposes the rulings.
Finally, Fred Barnes of the Weekly Standard shares my point of view on the selection of John Edwards to be John Kerry's running mate. I like when smart people agree with me.