Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Barack Obama Speech 

What a fantastic job this state representative from Illinois did this evening. If you could ignore his allegiance to traditional liberal ideals such as cheap universal healthcare and his repeating of the crazy theme of this convention that the President lied about why we went into Iraq, you heard him talk about an America that the Democrats have worked so hard to destroy. This is the America that does not judge people based upon race, sexual orientation, country of origin, or religion. He spoke of one nation whose citizens treat people the way that they would want to be treated. Mr. Obama captured the hope and optimism of the Founders and, quoting from the Declaration, talked of a land were we are all created equal. He even continued in the fashion of Bill Cosby in holding parents responsible for the upbringing of their children.

Contrasting this uplifting vision of the United States as composed of people living on a level playing field was the television picture of Hillary Clinton and her daughter sipping Champaign in their box high above the masses on the convention floor. Typical of liberals is their call for sacrifice for the good of the many while they live the lifestyle of the chosen few.

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