Saturday, June 12, 2004
Are We Misinterpreting The Reagan Legacy?
Yes, according to Mr. Gorbachev. In this story by Robert Kaiser in yesterday's Washington Post, the previous president of the Soviet Union says that the massive arms buildup by the United States during President Reagans terms in office had nothing to do with increased freedom granted by Mr. Gorbachev. The reason that he relaxed communism's grasp over his citizens was because he saw the tremendous technological progress that was being made in the west while in his country his people could not even find toothpaste to buy in the stores.
His opinion goes directly against the conventional wisdom that the large federal budget deficits generated under Reagan's administration were necessary to speeding the end of the cold war. Let's see if any columnists comment on this revised view of history.
PermaLink | 7:22 AM |
His opinion goes directly against the conventional wisdom that the large federal budget deficits generated under Reagan's administration were necessary to speeding the end of the cold war. Let's see if any columnists comment on this revised view of history.