Sunday, February 26, 2006
Support For Ending The War On Drugs
It comes from a surprising source. Mr. George Melloan is Deputy Editor, International of the Wall Street Journal editorial page. The Wall Street Journal is usually tough on crime. He writes:
PermaLink | 11:57 AM |
A large percentage of Americans will probably say no, mainly because they are law-abiding people who maintain high moral and ethical standards and don't want to surrender to a small minority that flouts the laws, whether in the ghettos of Washington D.C. or Beverly Hills salons. The concern about damaging society's fabric is legitimate. But another question needs to be asked: Is that fabric being damaged now?Mr. Melloan's excellent column also informs about Milton Friedman's opposition to the drug war, expressed 34 years ago in Newsweek Magazine. My rule is any side Milton Friedman is on is the one that I take.