Monday, May 17, 2004
Brown Vs. The Board of Education
Its easy to belittle the Supreme Court decision whose 50th anniversary we acknowledge today. After all, in inner cities across America blacks and whites still attend separate and unequal schools. And the court's boldness in striking down legal racial discrimination gave it the legitimacy to exert itself into areas which exceeded its authority. I've included a link to a Thomas Sowell article that makes this point.
But the reason that Brown is so important, and the reason that today we should all happily celebrate this ruling, is that it brought us judicial recognition of the framers assertion in the Declaration of Independence that "all men are created equal."
PermaLink | 5:28 AM |
But the reason that Brown is so important, and the reason that today we should all happily celebrate this ruling, is that it brought us judicial recognition of the framers assertion in the Declaration of Independence that "all men are created equal."